Cameroon-United Kingdom Cooperation: MINEPAT receives the Envoy for the United Kingdom-African Investment Summit Dr Alastair Mcphail CMG OBE.

Cameroon-United Kingdom Cooperation: MINEPAT receives the Envoy for the United Kingdom-African Investment Summit Dr Alastair Mcphail CMG OBE.

The Minister of the Economy, Planning and Regional Development has today received the Envoy for the United Kingdom-African Investment Summit Dr Alastair Mcphail CMG OBE. He was accompanied by the UK High Commissioner to Cameroon, H.E Barry Lowen and Mr Michael Tchenga, Country Director for the UK Department for Business Trade.


The meeting with the MINEPAT was aimed at discussing Cameroon’s participation at the Summit and to explore how the Summit can be used to increase UK investment in Cameroon. To this goal the Minister expressed the wish that the upcoming Summit strengthens Cameroon UK Cooperation for the benefit of both countries.


The UK is a prehistoric partner of the Republic of Cameroon and this partnership has been intensified in recent years in the economic domain following BREXIT. This is seen through the multiplication of economic meetings and for the financing of development projects by UK partners. Aside the upcoming UK African Investment Summit Some of these projects are include; The signing in March 2022 of an Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between Cameroon and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and North Ireland, and the subsequent creation of a committee to fellow up the implementation of the EPA; and the financing of the project for the construction of the EBOLOWA-AKOM II-KRIBI road. Over 25 countries are awaited in this event that will focus on strong sectors, technology, renewable energy, agriculture and the economy empowerment of women amongst others.


Dr Alastair Mcphail CMG OBE in in Cameroon for a four day visit from January 16 to 19 2024.

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